Packable vs Crushable Hats - What's the Difference?

When shopping for a hat you're sure to come across the terms packable and crushable often. But what do they mean and what is the difference between the two? 

A packable hat refers to a style that may be packed for travel or storage with low risk of damage to its shape (when packed properly). A hat that is crushable*, on the other hand, is specifically designed with shape retention in mind and will "pop" back to shape after being compacted (when done correctly). As you can see, the terms are not interchangeable: crushable hats are always packable by design, however, packable hats are not necessarily crushable. 

*It is important to note that crushable hats are not intended to actually be crushed, but either folded or rolled. See the following section for details. 

Now that we know the difference between the two terms let's learn how to properly pack or "crush" (see note above) either type of hat. 

How to Properly Pack A Packable Hat

The best way to pack a packable hat for travel is to use a hat travel/carrier case. If packing your hat as part of your luggage is necessary, follow these tips for best results: 

  1. Flip the hat on its crown and stuff the inside with socks, underwear, or similar for support.
  2. Pack clothes or other (soft) items around the hat. Essentially, you want to "cradle" your hat amongst your other packed belongings to ensure its shape is maintained.
  3. For best results, do not pack further items over your hat as this might press down on your hat and affect its shape. Heavier items such as jeans or toiletries should be packed beneath or away from your hat. 
  4. Once you reach your destination, any kinks or dents can either be massaged or steamed** out if necessary.
  5. Whenever your hat is not in use, make sure to properly store** your hat by hanging it on a hat tree or peg, placing it on a hat stand or block, or upside down on its crown.

**See our general Hat Care page or the appropriate "Caring for..." article (based on hat material) on our Hat Care blog for more details on storing and steaming hats.

How to Properly Fold or Roll A Crushable Hat

The best way to "crush" your crushable hat is not to crush it, but to fold or roll it, depending on the pliability of its material and/or your personal preference. Always follow manufacturer recommendations, when available. 

Folding and/or rolling your hat will result in creases forming over time, similar to the formation of creases in clothes after these are folded. Creases may be alleviated via steaming, if desired. See our general Hat Care page or Hat Care blog for details. 

It is important to note that hats should not be kept folded or rolled long-term. Crushability is intended mostly for shape-retention but also aids in convenient, short-term transport.

To Fold a Crushable Hat:

  • With the front (pinch) of your hat facing forward, gently press the top center of the crown in while gently pulling either side of the crown and brim up. This should result in your hat being folded "taco" or "hot dog" style, front to back. Secure with a band or in a storage bag. 
    Pictured: Jaxon Hats Ford Crushable Fedora Hat in color Brown
  • When needed again, the hat should be able to "pop" back into shape once the securing band or bag is removed. Any kinks may be gently massaged or steamed*** out, if desired.

To Roll a Crushable Hat:

  • Turn your hat on its side then collapse the top half into the back half, leaving the concave side up. Gently pull the brim down on both sides  and starting on either end, hold the brim and roll the hat into itself. The end result should resemble a large cigar with the brim aligned at the bottom and crown at the top. Secure in place with a band.
Pictured: Jaxon Hats Ford Crushable Fedora Hat in color Brown
  • When needed again, the hat should be able to "pop" back into shape once the securing band is removed. Any kinks may be gently massaged or steamed*** out, if desired.

***See our general Hat Care page or the appropriate "Caring for..." article (based on hat material) on our Hat Care blog for more details on storing and steaming hats.

As always, please follow your hat manufacturer's recommendations and read each product description for best results. Feel free to contact us for help regarding packable and crushable hat styles. Happy packing! 

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