Chapter 20 | 1910 to 1920

Key Terms & Phrases

Clean-Shaven | Small Mustache | Basque Beret, Men and Women | Soldier's Overseas Cap, Tin Hat, and Gas-Mask | Small Feminine Head | Transformation | Hair Cut Over Cheeks | Dutch Bob | Permanent Wave | Henna Dye | Invisible Hair Net | Paul Poiret's Oriental Influence | Russian Headdress | Large Crowns | Silk Sailor | Simple Black Hat After the War | Hatpins Purely Ornamental | Boudoir Cap | Earrings | Growth of Beauty Aids and Beauty Parlors

  • 1910 to 1920 men's headwear: Panama hat, derby, pith helmet, boater

    20.1 | 1910 to 1920

  • 1914 to 1918 World War I men's headwear: cloth caps, padded steel helmets, Glengarry bonnet

    20.2 | 1914 to 1918 World War I

  • 1910 to 1920 women's headwear: riding hat, chinchilla toque, riding top hat

    20.3 | 1910 to 1920

  • 1910 to 1920 women's headwear: velvet cloche, evening headdress, sports hat

    20.4 | 1910 to 1920

  • 1910 to 1920 women's headwear: shako hat, riding top hat, harem veil, turbans

    20.5 | 1910 to 1920

  • 1910 to 1920 women's headwear: winter hat, Red Cross Service cotton cloth, turban

    20.6 | 1910 to 1920

  • 1910 to 1920 children's headwear: knitted hair stocking, sailor cap, cloth caps

    20.7 | 1910 to 1920

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