Chapter 10 | 17th Century

Key Terms & Phrases

Cavalier Costume | Dress in American Colonies | Lovelock | Mustache, a Curl | Cadenette | Single Pearl Earring | Rules at Harvard | The Van Dyck | Mustache Grooming | Lip-Beard | Roundhead | Full-Bottomed Wig | Wigmaking | Short Bob | Campaign Wig | Soldier's Hair | Powder | Combs | Perfume | Beaver Hat | Puritan, Pilgrim, Quaker | Tricorne | Monmouth Cock | Military Headgear | Church Dress | Removing the Hat | Montero | Monmouth Cap | Lace | Sumptuary Edicts | Ribbon | Wigs or "Heads" | English Ringlets | Sheep Headdress | Heart-Breakers | Favorites | Veils | Wire Frames | Set-Out Combs | Hurluberlu | Cabbage Head | Boss or Bundle | Fontange | Wig for Riding | Spanish Coiffure | Champagne | Beau Fielding | Dutch Coif | Biggin | French Hood | Little Red Riding Hood or Cardinal | Headkerchief | Huke | Conch | Traveling Hat | Witch's Garb | Straw | Mask | Patch | Cosmetics | Pearls | Temple Stones | Pins

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: galloon ornament bands, cocked beaver hats, negligee caps, crepe bands, ostrich plumes

    10.1 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: Cavalier coiffure, lovelocks, beaver hats, rolled crepe band, cocked felt hats, plumes

    10.2 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: Large & floppy beaver hats, short coiffures, curled hair, asymmetric length hair

    10.3 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: Cavalier hair, beaver hat, lovelock, Quaker felt hat, Puritan felt hat, laced hats

    10.4 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: natural hair with lovelock, felt hats, the Montero negligee/traveling cap, looped trim

    10.5 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: full-bottomed black/powdered wigs, felt hat, ostrich fringe, cocked hat, ribbon loops

    10.6 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 men's headwear including: cocked hat/tricorne, ribbon loops, short bob & powdered wigs, natural hair, gold lace

    10.7 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: felt hat, widow's coif, hair worn over wire frames, Dutch coif/cornet, turban roll

    10.8 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: beaver hat, widow's cap, Dutch coif/cornet, headkerchief, beaver hat, crimped hair

    10.9 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: paradise plummage, Dutch coif/cornet, loo mask, bongrace, hair over wire frames

    10.10 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: widow's mourning headdress, forehead hair fringe, English ringlets, huke long mantle

    10.11 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: forehead hair fringe, chignon buns, widow's headdress, English ringlets, huke mantle

    10.12 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: widow's coif, black loo mask, kiss curls, corno, beaver hat, hair coronets, hoods

    10.13 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: wired ringlets, widow's coif, heartbreakers, bow knots, wire frames, braided chignon

    10.14 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: haircombs, lace calotte, silk/taffeta hoods, ribbon loop coiffure, tete de chou

    10.15 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 women's headwear including: the fontange hairdo, riding habit, lawn/fabric fontange, negligee headdress, lappets

    10.16 | 1600 to 1700

  • 1600 to 1700 children's headwear including: beaver hats, lace Dutch coif, lace hoods, silk bonnets, Baby Stuart cap, fontagne

    10.17 | 1600 to 1700

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