Victorian & Second Empire 1840-1870

Key Terms & Phrases
Men's styles dictated from London | curly hair | cowlick | side whiskers | mutton chops, piccadilly weepers, favoris, cutlets, Dundreays, sideburns | imperial | topper | slouch felt | Hungarian hat | pork pie | sombrero | derby | panama hat | straw sailor | cap with visor | tam-o-shanter | Balmoral | monocle | military headgear | pith helmet | Madonna coiffure | even waves | Manier flowers | fresh Parma voilets | coiffures: Druid, Naiad, Leda, Proserpine, Ceres | net a la Napolitain | lace mantilla | fascinator | bibi | fanchon | drawn bonnet | fabrics | caps | small hat in 1860's | Empress hat | flirtation ribbons | veils | colors | cosmetics | jewelry
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