The Village Hat Shop Fiddler

There's a new Fiddler in town!

Find out the inspiration behind our original logo and see what's changed.

Updated VHS Fiddler Logo (2015)
Original VHS Fiddler Logo (1980)

Our original Chagall-inspired* logo commissioned by our founder, Fred, in 1980. Legend has it the idea for the logo came to Fred in a dream which, if true, would be very Chagall-like, indeed! Fans of art history will likely note the nods to the early 20th century avant-garde artist (Marc Chagall) famed for his dreamlike surrealist style deeply imbued with both his Jewish heritage and scenes from his childhood home of Vitebsk (then part of Russia). Like Chagall's Green Violinist*, our Fiddler is dressed in early 20th century European garb and seemingly floats midair behind the gold lettering of our name whilst playing a violin. 

Despite the original Fiddler's years of dedicated service, in 2015 as part of our 35th anniversary celebrations, a new Fiddler was commissioned. The updated Fiddler features a sleeker, more minimalist take on the original design though he is still whimsically pictured seemingly afloat. This time, however, the updated Fiddler has stepped out from behind the lettering and has placed himself prominently off to the left, with eyes downcast and no mouth (both from the strain of concentration, we're sure!). Although we find it hard to believe, our updated Fiddler will soon be celebrating his 10th birthday this year (May 2025). 

*See our Hats in Art page to view an image of Marc Chagall's Green Violinist (1923-24).

Although the original Fiddler will always hold a special place in our hearts, we find the updated Fiddler refreshing and contemporary.

Which Fiddler is your favorite?

Let us know in the comments below! 


By G. Realpe, Copywriter
(Adapted from an earlier 2015 blog post)

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